
Spanking Art


Leon Pierre

Leon Pierre

Leon Pierre (date of birth unknown) his name was sometimes spelled Léon Pierre, was a artist who created F/F and F/f spanking illustrations in the 1930s.

He illustrated spanking novels such as:
Confessions et Récits by René-Michel Desergy (1930)
illustrations attributed to Leon Pierre:
Diana gantée by René-Michel Desergy (1932)
Mrs. Goodwhip et son esclave by Bob Slavy (1932)
Le Harem Océanien by Bob Slavy (1935)

Leon Pierre

Leon Pierre ,sometimes spelled Léon Pierre, was a artist who created F/F and F/f spanking illustrations in the 1930s.

He illustrated spanking novels such as:
Confessions et Récits by René-Michel Desergy (1930)
illustrations attributed to Leon Pierre:
Diana gantée by René-Michel Desergy (1932)
Mrs. Goodwhip et son esclave by Bob Slavy (1932)
Le Harem Océanien by Bob Slavy (1935)

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