Bernard Montorgueil was born around 1920. His name was the pseudonym of a French BDSM and spanking artist and author of short stories whose works were originally written and published in the 1920s and 1930s (though not much is known about these original versions). Most of his work has femdom-malesub themes.
Bernard Montorgueil is draped in discretion. His work first circulated underground in the 50s, as four series of drawings together with four texts, originally hand written.
In some editions, the illustrations are in black and white, whereas in other editions they are colorized (in watercolors). The black-and-white artwork is original, but the colorization was probably done in the 1970s by an artist employed by one of the republishers.
You can find both the colored works as well as the black and white illustrations at the artists page on Vintage Erotica