Amoxes is a very talented artist, Canadian of mixed backgrounds. His family roots & strong interest in every culture from around the world inspired him in many ways. Which shows in his artwork. After spending years of exploring, practicing and studying different styles and techniques, it shows Amoxes has a very nice style of his own. His work is very diverse, for this site the artist allowed me to share some spanking artworks soley. Enjoy these unique artworks, to discover move visit his website.
Hello friends, i communicate with you since i am a follower of your page, and i am also interesed in the world of spanking.
I want congratulate them because i think they are the only ones who spanking not only a variant of desire but also find a part of aestethic beauty in it.
I am a plastic artist and dessinateur , i devoted my self to drawing variants of eroticism not from a pornogrhapic side but “erotic”in the broad sense.
I like to be able to share my works on this subject and spread it through its web page. I hope to indicate how i can share and disseminate my drawings.
I think they could be interesting.
I’m case of selling my sheets ,it would be very appropiate to give you a commision for each sale or any type of marketing!
Greetings to you.
Ricardo Federico Godoy
________________________________ De: Spanking Art Enviado: viernes, 09 de junio de 2017 10:55 a.m. Para: [email protected] Asunto: [New post] Amoxes
Karen Nadine posted: “Amoxes is a very talented artist, Canadian of mixed backgrounds. His family roots & strong interest in every culture from around the world inspired him in many ways. Which shows in his artwork. After spending years of exploring, practicing and studyin”
Hello Ricardo,
Thank you for your message. I have sent you a email regarding your request.
Best Regards