This is a very unique offer. Various spanking artworks available from illustrated books, and a collection spanking art from anonymous artists. To view download details click on the link below the artwork. More art to download can be found here

8 books: Au Royaume Fouet, Fouetteuses, l’Amour Fouette, Les Egarements de Julie, Le Magnetisme de Fouet, La Fille Punie, Sade 1930 & Turbulentes Ecolieres Download Art

Spanking Artworks from anonymous illustrators. 13 albums, 97 large images Download Art

Illustrated books: Liasons Dangerous, Marquis de Sade, Modern Slaves, El Otro, Presented in Leather, Im banne der Qual, Spanked in Bed, The Whip and the Rod, White Lace Download Art

Various illustrated books published between 1857 and 1960: Cinglant Argument, Au Rouge Vif, Nell in Bridewell, L’Education de Cherubin, Experiences of Flagellation, Flors de Mal Fustigations vécues, Jeunes Filles Download Art